Fried Squid Snack - Wasabi Flavor

건방진형제들 오징어튀김 와사비맛

Vendor: DS Homefood
Availability: In Stock
Product Type: Gangwon-Do
Best Before December, 2025
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Fried Squid Snack - Wasabi Flavor

Fried Squid Snack - Wasabi Flavor


Fried Squid Snack - Wasabi Flavor


Gunbangjin Brothers Squid Tempura

  • Using premium plant-based canola oil –Canola oil is known for its very low saturated fat and high omega-3 content, making it a high-quality oil. It has a high smoke point, which makes it suitable for frying and stir-frying. Freshness of the oil is key when it comes to frying! Every morning, the oil’s acidity level is checked, and if it exceeds 2.0, the oil is completely replaced to ensure the freshness of the oil is always prioritized.
  • Double-fried for a crispy, refreshing crunch in every bite!
  • Secret recipe - The specially developed powder ensures the tempura stays crisp, preventing the oil from clumping or becoming soggy. This is the key to maintaining crispness without any greasy aftertaste!
  • Retains the chewy texture of squid – 100% genuine squid is used, keeping the squid’s texture chewy and moist while the outside stays crispy!
  • No worries even if you have leftovers – thanks to the hygienic ziplock packaging, you can store the remaining squid tempura.

The batter is thin, so from the first bite to the last, the squid fills your mouth, providing an amazing chewing sensation!

Double-fried for a crispy, refreshing crunch that fills your mouth!

A magical snack that disappears quickly with beer!

  • A snack loved by people of all ages.
  • A must-have for beer lovers.
  • Perfect as a snack for kids.
  • An essential snack for campers at the campsite.
  • A gift for office snacks, parties, and picnics – everyone’s favorite treat!

Enjoy without worry! With HACCP certification for food safety management, we scientifically and systematically analyze, remove, and manage all potential harmful elements in food hygiene.

Here’s how to make it even more delicious:

Ready to eat – Open the package and eat right away. It’s delicious and chewy as is. 

Air fryer – Preheat to 180℃ and heat for about 5 minutes for a crispy, chewy texture.

Microwave – Heat for 30 seconds in the microwave for a warm, chewy taste.

Topping – Add on top of dishes like ramen, udon, or pasta.

*Be sure to remove the product from its packaging before cooking. Please be careful as it will be hot after cooking.

Storage :

 After receiving the product, store it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Once opened, it’s best to consume it as soon as possible. After opening, store in the refrigerator.


건방진 형제들 오징어튀김 

  • 프리미엄 식물성 카놀라유 사용 - 

    카놀라유는 포화지방이 매우 낮고 오메가 3 함유량이 높아 고급오일로 불리우며 발연점이 높아 튀김, 볶음요리에 적합한 기름

    튀김은 기름의 신선함이 가장 중요! 매일 아침 기름의 산가를 특정하여 값이 2.0 이상인 경우 새 기름으로 완전히 교체하여 기름의 신선함을 항상 우선시 합니다.

  • 두번 튀겨 입안 가득 바삭한 청량감!
  • 비법레시피 - 자체 개발한 특제 파우더로 튀김 기름이 뭉치거나 눅진한 것이 아닌, 모든 튀김을 바삭하게 유지하여 바삭해 느끼함이 없는 것이 비법레시피의 노하우!
  • 쫄깃한 오징어 식감을 그대로-100% 진미채 원물을 그대로 튀겨내 겉은 바삭하고 촉은 쫄깃 촉촉한 오징어 식감!
  • 먹다 남겨도 걱정 없는 위생 지퍼팩 기능으로 중간에 먹고 남아도 저장이 가능


튀김 옷이 얇아 처음 씹을때 부터 끝맛까지 오징어가 꽉 차 있어 씹는 맛이 끝내줘요!

두번 튀겨 입안 가득 넘치는 빠삭한 청량감!

맥주를 순삭 시키는 마성의 안주!

  • 남녀노소 할 것 없이 모두가 즐기는 국민 간식
  • 맥주러버들에게 필수템
  • 아이들 간식으로도 안성맞춤
  • 캠핑장의 캠퍼를 위한 필수 간식
  • 회사간식, 모임, 야유회 선물로 모두의 관심을 한몸에 받을 수 있는 궁극의 선물템!

걱정없이 안심하고 드세요! HACCP 식품안전관리인증으로 식품위생에 해로울 수 있는 모든 위해요소를 과학적이고 체계적으로 분석, 제거, 관리 하고 있어요.

이렇게 드시면 더욱 맛있어요.

  • 바로먹기 - 제품을 개봉 후 바로 드세요. 그냥 먹어도 고소하고 쫄깃하게 맛있어요.
  • 에어프라이어 - 180℃로 예열시켜 5분정도 돌리면 바싹쫀득한 맛을 즐길 수 있어요.
  • 전자레인지- 전자레인지에 30초만 돌리면 따뜻하고 쫄깃하게 맛있어요.
  • 토핑- 라면이나, 우동, 파스타 등의 조리식품에 토핑으로 올려 먹어요.

*반드시 조리시에는 제품을 포장에서 꺼내어 조리하세요. 조리 후 뜨거우니 주의 하시길 바랍니다.

보관방법 - 제품을 수령 후 직사광선을 피하고 서늘한 곳에 상온보관 해주세요. 제품 개봉 후에는 가급적 빨리 드시길 바랍니다. 그리고 제품 개봉 후에는 냉장보관해 주세요.


Shipping Policy

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You will be notified by email if we expect to be out of stock of part of your order for more than 5 working days or in the event of a price change or discontinued products.
Shipping may be delayed up to 5 working days, at the discretion of the company, in order to locate or receive stock; if you notice any delay in the shipping of your order, please feel free to call us by phone or email to clarify the time-requirements of your order, or to make changes as required for any not-yet-shipped products.
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If you absolutely need an expedited order to arrive by a certain date, you must contact us by email or phone to ensure or modify the delivery order.

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At our primary objective is our customer’s complete satisfaction. If for any reason you are not fully content with any of the items purchased from us, you are allowed 10 days to return/exchange from the date of purchase.

The steps to effectuate a return are as follow:
Contact us by email at to notify us that you are wishing to return.
We will grant you a Return Authorization number (RA#) once we have reviewed your request. (You are responsible for the returning shipping fray)
Once we receive the returning package we will either issue you a refund, an exchange, or credit towards your next purchase.
Note: We only accept items bought directly from In order to receive any refund, exchange, or credit the merchandise must be unused and sent with original package and tags.

Shipping Policy

By purchasing your products directly from, you are assured of getting a product that is at all times handled properly according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

At this time, we do not ship outside of the United States.
You will be notified by email if we expect to be out of stock of part of your order for more than 5 working days or in the event of a price change or discontinued products.
Shipping may be delayed up to 5 working days, at the discretion of the company, in order to locate or receive stock; if you notice any delay in the shipping of your order, please feel free to call us by phone or email to clarify the time-requirements of your order, or to make changes as required for any not-yet-shipped products.
Expedited shipments are expedited only when the full order is available for shipping.
If you absolutely need an expedited order to arrive by a certain date, you must contact us by email or phone to ensure or modify the delivery order.

Return & Refund Policy

At our primary objective is our customer’s complete satisfaction. If for any reason you are not fully content with any of the items purchased from us, you are allowed 10 days to return/exchange from the date of purchase.

The steps to effectuate a return are as follow:
Contact us by email at to notify us that you are wishing to return.
We will grant you a Return Authorization number (RA#) once we have reviewed your request. (You are responsible for the returning shipping fray)
Once we receive the returning package we will either issue you a refund, an exchange, or credit towards your next purchase.
Note: We only accept items bought directly from In order to receive any refund, exchange, or credit the merchandise must be unused and sent with original package and tags.

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