Burdock Tea (Organic)

유기농우엉차 티백

Vendor: Odaesan Food
Availability: Out Of Stock
Product Type: Gangwon-Do
Best Before May, 2025
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Subtotal: $11.99
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Burdock Tea (Organic)

Burdock Tea (Organic)


Burdock Tea (Organic)



Since its inception in 1987, ODAESANFOOD has been developing and producing food products using domestic agricultural products. We manufacture all processes from raw material processing such as washing and drying to roasting and tea bag packaging as self-owned facilities. Tartary Buckwheat Tea, the flagship product, has been continuously investing in product improvements since its launch in 2005, adding an organic product line in 2015. In addition, we are producing hygienic and reliable products with organic processing certification and ISO 22000 certification. For better quality, our own raw material cultivation area is constantly expanding. We promise our customers that we will always strive for better quality.


Burdock tea is a processed root vegetable, burdock root, which is rich in minerals and nutrients enough to be called the king of root vegetables. It can be eaten together and is characterized by no caffeine at all.

In addition, it uses raw materials contract-grown on a dedicated organic farm, and is processed by hot air roasting, and the taste is excellent.

Organic Burdock Tea is a product made using 100% Korean raw materials, and we have created a large-scale organic burdock farm to provide organic products that you can trust and eat.

How to eat

Put 1 tea bag in a cup of 90C~100C water and brew for 60 seconds or longer.

Ingredients: Organic Burdock (Root)

Net Weight: 1g X 20 bags


오대산식품은 1987년 창업 이래 국내산 농산물을 사용한 식품들을 개발, 생산하고 있습니다. 원료의 세척, 건조와 같은 1차 가공부터 로스팅, 티백 포장까지 전 공정을 자체 보유 설비로 생산하고 있으며, 대표 제품인 타타리 메밀차는 2005년에 출시한 이래 2015년 유기농 제품군을 추가 하는 등 제품의 개선에 지속적으로 투자하고 있습니다.
또한 유기가공인증, ISO 22000 등 인증을 받아 위생적이고 믿을 수 있는 제품을 생산하고 있으며, 더 나은 품질을 위해 자체 원료 경작지도 지속적으로 넓혀가고 있습니다.
오대산식품은 더 나은 품질을 위해 언제나 노력할 것을 고객님들께 약속드립니다.


우엉차는 뿌리채소류인 우엉뿌리를 가공한 것으로 뿌리채소의 왕이라고 불릴만큼 미네랄과 영양소가 풍부하며 아르가닌, 섬유질, 무기질, 철분들의 성분과 더불어 우엉껍질에 다량 함유된 사포닌, 폴리페놀의 영양소를 함께 드실 수 있으며 카페인이 전혀 없는것이 특징입니다.

또한 전용 유기농 농장에서 계약 재배한 원료를 사용하며, 열풍로스팅 기법으로 가공하며 맛이 뛰어납니다.

유기농우엉차는 100% 국내산 원대료를 사용하여 만든 제품으로 대단위 유기농 우엉 농장을 조성하여 믿고 드실 수 있는 유기농제품을 제공합니다.

먹는 방법

90C~100C 물 한 컵에 티백 1개를 넣으시고 60초 이상 우려내어 드시면 됩니다. 

원재료: 유기농우엉

내용량: 1g X 20티백

Shipping Policy

By purchasing your products directly from rootterra.com, you are assured of getting a product that is at all times handled properly according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

At this time, we do not ship outside of the United States.
You will be notified by email if we expect to be out of stock of part of your order for more than 5 working days or in the event of a price change or discontinued products.
Shipping may be delayed up to 5 working days, at the discretion of the company, in order to locate or receive stock; if you notice any delay in the shipping of your order, please feel free to call us by phone or email to clarify the time-requirements of your order, or to make changes as required for any not-yet-shipped products.
Expedited shipments are expedited only when the full order is available for shipping.
If you absolutely need an expedited order to arrive by a certain date, you must contact us by email or phone to ensure or modify the delivery order.

Return & Refund Policy

At RootTerra.com our primary objective is our customer’s complete satisfaction. If for any reason you are not fully content with any of the items purchased from us, you are allowed 10 days to return/exchange from the date of purchase.

The steps to effectuate a return are as follow:
Contact us by email at support@rootterra.com to notify us that you are wishing to return.
We will grant you a Return Authorization number (RA#) once we have reviewed your request. (You are responsible for the returning shipping fray)
Once we receive the returning package we will either issue you a refund, an exchange, or credit towards your next purchase.
Note: We only accept items bought directly from www.rootterra.com.com. In order to receive any refund, exchange, or credit the merchandise must be unused and sent with original package and tags.

Shipping Policy

By purchasing your products directly from rootterra.com, you are assured of getting a product that is at all times handled properly according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

At this time, we do not ship outside of the United States.
You will be notified by email if we expect to be out of stock of part of your order for more than 5 working days or in the event of a price change or discontinued products.
Shipping may be delayed up to 5 working days, at the discretion of the company, in order to locate or receive stock; if you notice any delay in the shipping of your order, please feel free to call us by phone or email to clarify the time-requirements of your order, or to make changes as required for any not-yet-shipped products.
Expedited shipments are expedited only when the full order is available for shipping.
If you absolutely need an expedited order to arrive by a certain date, you must contact us by email or phone to ensure or modify the delivery order.

Return & Refund Policy

At RootTerra.com our primary objective is our customer’s complete satisfaction. If for any reason you are not fully content with any of the items purchased from us, you are allowed 10 days to return/exchange from the date of purchase.

The steps to effectuate a return are as follow:
Contact us by email at support@rootterra.com to notify us that you are wishing to return.
We will grant you a Return Authorization number (RA#) once we have reviewed your request. (You are responsible for the returning shipping fray)
Once we receive the returning package we will either issue you a refund, an exchange, or credit towards your next purchase.
Note: We only accept items bought directly from www.rootterra.com.com. In order to receive any refund, exchange, or credit the merchandise must be unused and sent with original package and tags.

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