Allium Victorialis Linne Myeong Yi

산마늘 명이

Vendor: Dokdo Trading
Availability: In Stock
Product Type: Gyeongsangbuk-Do
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Allium Victorialis Linne Myeong Yi

Allium Victorialis Linne Myeong Yi


Allium Victorialis Linne Myeong Yi



Agricultural Corporation Dokdo Trading Co., Ltd.

It was established as a company that imports, processes, manufactures, and sells agricultural and marine products based on Dokdo tourism and shipping. Wild garlic leaves are harvested every year when the leaves are soft, and made with pickled soy sauce and sold. From harvesting, washing, pickling, and packaging, to the strict hygiene management and craftsmanship, we are producing only the best products, considering the health of the people. In anticipation of a decrease in the yield of wild garlic in Ulleungdo, we are directly cultivating Myungee(Wild garlic leaves) Sangok, Pohang. Registered as an agricultural business, and obtained the pesticide-free eco-friendly agricultural product certification in 2014. We are managing it as much as possible.


What is the name of wild garlic? As a perennial plant of the lily family, it is called Sinseon-ro in Korea and the scientific name is mountain garlic. The word “myungee” is a dialect of Ulleungdo that is well known to the public. It started to be called Myeongeenamul, meaning to continue. According to Donguibogam and various literatures, wild garlic is effective in promoting appetite and strengthening stomach health. In addition, it helps the blood circulation by removing cholesterol and wastes from the blood vessels, and it is a plant that is helpful to the human body because of its anticancer action, various adult diseases, nourishment and tonicity, and facilitates metabolism in the body. Sandeulgom Wild Garlic Myeongee is an eco-friendly, pesticide-free, wild garlic Myeongee that uses only safe and pure raw materials 100% agricultural raw materials! Proceed with all processes neatly! It is packaged in canned food for a long shelf life and can be stored at room temperature.

It is a Myungeenamul made from pesticide-free and eco-friendly wild garlic Myeongee and golden ratio pickled soy sauce grown in an area with good water and fresh air. It tastes even better by pickling and aging the secret seasoning using Korean soy sauce. "Crunchy and savory taste UP! The scent of Myeongee is the same~" Manufactured and processed in a factory equipped with HACCP certified facilities, we provide consumers with reliable and edible products.

How to eat

Myeongee, called wild garlic, has a strong garlic component, so it is clean and sweet and sour when served with oily foods, meat, fish, etc. With its unique aroma and sweet taste, it is perfect not only as a side dish for rice but also as a side dish.

Ingredients Wild garlic leaves 50%

Net Weight 175g



농업회사법인 (주)독도무역

독도 관광 해운을 모태로 한 농수산물 수입 가공제조 판매하는 회사로 설립되었습니다. 산마늘 잎을 매년 잎이 연할 때 채취하여 간장절임으로 만들어 판매하고 있으며 채취, 세척, 절임, 포장까지 엄격한 위생관리와 장인 정신으로 국민의 건강을 생각하며 최고의 제품만을 생산하고 있습니다. 울릉도 산마늘의 수확량이 줄 것을 예상하여 직접 포항 상옥에 명이를 재배하고 있으며 농업경영체 등록, 2014년 무농약 친환경농산물인증을 받았으며 우리 회사에서 생산하는 제품의 개발, 생산 및 서비스 항에 대하여 최신의 상태가 되도록 관리하고 있습니다.


산마늘 명이란?

백합과의 다년초로서 우리나라에서는 신선로, 학명은 산마늘 이라고 불리고 있으며 대중들에게 잘 알려져 있는 명이란 단어는 울릉도 방언으로써 50~60년 전 먹을 것이 부족하여 이른 봄에 뿔명이를 죽으로 끌여먹어 명을 이어갔다는 뜻으로 명이나물이라고 불리기 시작했다.

동의보감 및 각종 문헌에서 따르면, 산마늘 명이는 식욕촉진 및 위 건강강화에 효과적이며 비타민과 무기질 성분이 대량 함유되어 있어 면역력 강화 작용이 뛰어나다. 또한 혈관 내 콜레스테롤 및 노폐물을 제거하여 혈액순환을 원활하게 도와주며 항암작용, 각종 성인병, 자양강장, 체내의 신진대사를 원활하게 해 주는 등 여러므로 사람의 신체에 도움이 되는 식물이다.

산들곰 산마늘 명이는 무농약 친환경 산마늘 명이로 안전한 순수 원료만 사용 100% 농산물 원료! 모든 공정을 정갈하게 진행! 통조림으로 포장하여 유통기한이 길며 실온에서도 보관 가능합니다.

물좋고 공기 좋은 지역에서 재배하는 무농약 친환경 산마늘 명이와 황금비율의 간장절임으로 만든 명이나물입니다. 한식간장을 사용한 비법양념을 절이고 숙성함으로서 더욱 맛이 좋습니다. "아삭하고 감칠맛 UP! 명이의 향이 그대로~"

HACCP인증시설을 갖춘 공장에서 제조/가공하여 믿고 먹을수 있는 제품을 소비자들에게 제공하고 있습니다.

산마늘이라고 불리는 명이는 마늘성분이 강한만큼 기름진 음식, 육류, 생선등과 곁들여드시면 깔끔하고 새콤달콤합니다. 독특한 향과 달콤한 맛으로 밥 반찬은 물론 쌈으로도 안성 맞춤입니다.

원재료: 산마늘잎 50%(국산)

Shipping Policy

By purchasing your products directly from, you are assured of getting a product that is at all times handled properly according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

At this time, we do not ship outside of the United States.
You will be notified by email if we expect to be out of stock of part of your order for more than 5 working days or in the event of a price change or discontinued products.
Shipping may be delayed up to 5 working days, at the discretion of the company, in order to locate or receive stock; if you notice any delay in the shipping of your order, please feel free to call us by phone or email to clarify the time-requirements of your order, or to make changes as required for any not-yet-shipped products.
Expedited shipments are expedited only when the full order is available for shipping.
If you absolutely need an expedited order to arrive by a certain date, you must contact us by email or phone to ensure or modify the delivery order.

Return & Refund Policy

At our primary objective is our customer’s complete satisfaction. If for any reason you are not fully content with any of the items purchased from us, you are allowed 10 days to return/exchange from the date of purchase.

The steps to effectuate a return are as follow:
Contact us by email at to notify us that you are wishing to return.
We will grant you a Return Authorization number (RA#) once we have reviewed your request. (You are responsible for the returning shipping fray)
Once we receive the returning package we will either issue you a refund, an exchange, or credit towards your next purchase.
Note: We only accept items bought directly from In order to receive any refund, exchange, or credit the merchandise must be unused and sent with original package and tags.

Shipping Policy

By purchasing your products directly from, you are assured of getting a product that is at all times handled properly according to manufacturer’s recommendations.

At this time, we do not ship outside of the United States.
You will be notified by email if we expect to be out of stock of part of your order for more than 5 working days or in the event of a price change or discontinued products.
Shipping may be delayed up to 5 working days, at the discretion of the company, in order to locate or receive stock; if you notice any delay in the shipping of your order, please feel free to call us by phone or email to clarify the time-requirements of your order, or to make changes as required for any not-yet-shipped products.
Expedited shipments are expedited only when the full order is available for shipping.
If you absolutely need an expedited order to arrive by a certain date, you must contact us by email or phone to ensure or modify the delivery order.

Return & Refund Policy

At our primary objective is our customer’s complete satisfaction. If for any reason you are not fully content with any of the items purchased from us, you are allowed 10 days to return/exchange from the date of purchase.

The steps to effectuate a return are as follow:
Contact us by email at to notify us that you are wishing to return.
We will grant you a Return Authorization number (RA#) once we have reviewed your request. (You are responsible for the returning shipping fray)
Once we receive the returning package we will either issue you a refund, an exchange, or credit towards your next purchase.
Note: We only accept items bought directly from In order to receive any refund, exchange, or credit the merchandise must be unused and sent with original package and tags.

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